After an accident. Who has to pay for the repairs?
Paying for the repair of the damage from the accident is the responsibility of whoever was found to be at fault for causing it to happen. If a driver has been found to be at fault then their collision or comprehensive insurance policy will cover the cost of the repairs excluding the deductible amount agreed in the insurance policy. If the accident is determined to be the fault of someone else then their insurance company has the responsibility to pay in full for all the repairs.
What makes a good collision repair shop?
You should look for a shop that provides comprehensive repairs and services like RJ&G Automotive. They need a good understanding of how insurance companies work, what their policies cover, and take care of the insurance repair details for you with your agency. The shop should offer a written warranty that covers their repair work, also as we do. We are proud of the integrity of RJ&G and our experienced, trained, and certified technicians – so management honesty and skilled workers are a must in a good repair shop. Lastly like RJ&G, you want a shop that can restore your vehicle back to good-as-new condition.
Is the repair work on my vehicle guaranteed by the insurance company or the collision shop?
The collision shop is responsible for all the work that they carry out on the vehicle. They should offer a written warranty like RJ&G does for all our collision repair customers.
Who chooses which collision shop to use? The vehicle owner or the insurance company?
Many people don’t realize this, but vehicle owners can choose which collision shop to use for the repairs.